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- December 2010: To meet our customer demands in the Phoenix area, Hi-Tech Stencils, Inc. has opened up a manufacturing facility in Tempe, Arizona that is equipped with the brand new Tannlin TX laser machine, and is fully capable of manufacturing a stencil within 3 hours.
- March, 2008. Hi-Tech Stencils, Inc. acquired the latest cutting edge laser machine from Tannlin in Scotland, which utilizes the Aerotech Motion system, the latest Fiber Laser technology, making it the most advanced laser machine in the world.
- June 2007. Hi-Tech Stencils, Inc. has reached a mile stone: 50,000 stencils manufactured and shipped to customers around the United States.
- December 2005. Hi-Tech Stencils, Inc. has moved their headquarters into a 10,000 square foot building in Orange, California. This building consists of Engineering, Billing, and Manufacturing departments.
- May, 2004. To meet our customer demands in the Southern California area, Hi-Tech Stencils, Inc. has opened up a manufacturing facility in Mira Mesa, San Diego that is fully capable of manufacturing a stencil within 3 hours.
At Hi-Tech Stencils, quality is our first and foremost priority.
At Hi-Tech Stencils, we are constantly searching for new methods to improve the quality of our products.